West Coast Arborists Apps

WCA Mobile V2 2.70.111
West Coast Arborists - Mobile App Version 2 Must be a WCAEmployeeor Customer to use this app. If you are neither of these,thendownloading this app will be a waste of time. If this doesn'tworkfor you and you really want to use this app please visitourwebsite westcoastarborists.com/careers and fill out anemploymentapplication... To use the app you will go through a 2stepauthorization process. This authorization will require you tosendan activation code along with the device's phone number ormacaddress to our servers through a secure connection over https.Forfurther information on how we use your data read our privacypolicyat https://www.arboraccess.com/public/privacypolicy.aspx WestCoastArborists, Inc. (WCA, Inc.) was established in 1972. Today,thefamily-owned company is providing professional tree maintenanceandmanagement services for over 200 municipalities and publicagenciesthroughout the states of California, Arizona, and Nevada.Ourservices include but are not limited to: tree pruning,treeremovals, tree planting, tree evaluations, and treeinventories.All work is performed by specially trained personnel.Our staff ofISA Certified Arborists ensure industry standards arealways incompliance. One thing that sets WCA apart from the othertree carefirms is our tree inventory software program calledArborAccess. Itis being utilized by municipalities and publicagencies across thetri-state area and has been a proven method tohelp manage theirurban forests. ArborAccess incorporates the use ofGPS technologyto better maintain and track work history records,schedule futurework, and assist with budget management. We are alicensedcontractor and proud to lead the industry in state-of-theart urbantree care like no other company in the world.